Extending **cleanmymac** ======================== **cleanmymac** can easily be extended with additional cleanup targets. Form complex cases where cleanup is not provided by an external program one can extend the base :class:`cleanmymac.target.Target` class and register it with the global :attr:`cleanmymac.constants.TARGET_ENTRY_POINT` entry-point. Consider for example (in setup.py) the following case: .. code-block:: python entry_points={ # .... 'cleanmymac.target': [ 'my_target_name = my.python.package.MyTargetClass' ] # ... } In addition, for directory and shell command based targets simply create the associated **YAML** files and point **cleanmymac** to the folder where the files reside with the *-t* command line option. See more at: :ref:`cli`. For examples of **YAML** defined cleanup targets have a look at the :mod:`cleanmymac.builtins` module.