Source code for cleanmymac.cli

# coding=utf-8
# author: Cosmin Basca
# Copyright 2015 Cosmin Basca
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import click
import click_log
import os
from yaml import load
from time import sleep
from pprint import pformat

from cleanmymac.__version__ import str_version
from cleanmymac.log import info, warn, error, debug, echo_warn, echo_info, echo_target, is_debug, echo, echo_success, \
    debug_param, disable_logger
from cleanmymac.registry import iter_targets, register_yaml_targets, get_targets_as_table
from cleanmymac.schema import validate_yaml_config
from import Target
from cleanmymac.util import get_disk_usage, progressbar
from cleanmymac.colors import set_pretty_print

__author__ = 'cosmin'

[docs]def get_options(path=None): """ Return the global configuration options. This method also expands the user home folder specified by '~'. In addition, the yaml config file is validated after parse. If the path is not specified, the ~/.cleanmymac.yaml configuration file is looked up, if not found, the global configuration is set to an empty dict. :param path: optional path to a yaml configuration file :type path: str :return: a python object containing the actual configuration :rtype: dict """ cfg = {} if not path: path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE) path = os.path.abspath(path) debug_param('global config', path) if not os.path.exists(path): warn('global configuration file not found, proceeding without.') else: with open(path, 'r+') as cfg: cfg = load(cfg) return validate_yaml_config(cfg)
def _config_targets_path(config): if 'cleanmymac' in config: if 'targets_path' in config['cleanmymac']: return config['cleanmymac']['targets_path'] return [] _HORIZONTAL_RULE = '\n{0}'.format(''.join(['-' for i in range(80)])) @click.command(name='cleanmymac', context_settings={ 'help_option_names': ['-?', '-h', '--help'] }) @click_log.init() @click_log.simple_verbosity_option('-L', '--log-level', default='INFO') @click.option('-u', '--update', is_flag=True, help='update the target if applicable') @click.option('-d', '--dry_run', is_flag=True, help='describe the actions to be performed, do not execute them') @click.option('-q', '--quiet', is_flag=True, help='run in quiet mode') @click.option('-p', '--pretty-print', is_flag=True, help='enable pretty printing with colors') @click.option('--strict/--no-strict', default=True, help='strict mode: enforce strict(er) rules when validating targets') @click.option('-l', '--list', 'list_targets', is_flag=True, help='list registered cleanup targets') @click.option('-s', '--stop_on_error', is_flag=True, help='stop execution when first error is detected') @click.option('-c', '--config', default=None, envvar='CLEANMYMAC_CONFIG', help='specify the configuration path') @click.option('-t', '--targets_path', default=None, type=click.Path(exists=True), multiple=True, help='specify extra yaml defined targets path') @click.version_option(str_version, '-v', '--version') @click.argument('targets', metavar='TARGETS', type=str, nargs=-1) def cli(update, dry_run, quiet, pretty_print, strict, list_targets, stop_on_error, config, targets_path, targets, **kwargs): """ the main **run** method, responsible for creating the parser and executing the main logic in **cleanmymac** :param bool update: perform update of targets (if applicable) :param bool dry_run: do not execute the actions, but log the result :param bool quiet: quiet mode (no output), show a progressbar instead :param bool pretty_print: enable pretty printing with colors :param bool strict: if set enforce strict(er) rules when validating targets :param bool list_targets: list the installed targets :param bool stop_on_error: abort the execution on first error :param str config: the configuration path :param str targets_path: extra targets paths :param list targets: the targets """ disable_logger('sarge') targets = tuple([target.lower() for target in targets]) set_pretty_print(pretty_print) debug_param('update', update) debug_param('dry run', dry_run) debug_param('quiet mode', quiet) debug_param('pretty print', pretty_print) debug_param('strict mode', strict) debug_param('list available targets', list_targets) debug_param('stop on error', stop_on_error) debug_param('global config path', config) debug_param('extra targets path', targets_path) debug_param('targets', targets) debug('') all_targets = dict(iter_targets()) if is_debug(): debug("Detailed information about registered targets") debug(get_targets_as_table(simple=False, fancy=False)) if dry_run: verbose = True else: verbose = not quiet debug_param('verbose', verbose) if targets: target_names = set(targets) else: target_names = set(all_targets.keys()) if update: echo_warn('updating may result in an increase of the total space taken by the cleanup targets', verbose=verbose) echo_info('found {0} registered cleanup targets'.format(len(all_targets)), verbose=verbose) config = get_options(path=config) # register extra targets if any for pth in _config_targets_path(config): register_yaml_targets(pth) if targets_path and os.path.isdir(targets_path): register_yaml_targets(targets_path) if list_targets: echo_warn(get_targets_as_table(simple=True, fancy=True)) else: with progressbar(verbose, all_targets.items(), label='Processing cleanup targets:', width=40) as all_targets_bar: free_space_before = get_disk_usage('/', unit=UNIT_MB).free for name, target_initializer in all_targets_bar: echo_info(_HORIZONTAL_RULE, verbose=verbose) if name not in target_names: debug('skipping target "{0}"'.format(name)) continue echo_target('\ncleaning: {0}'.format(name.upper()), verbose=verbose) target_cfg = config[name] if name in config else None debug("got target configuration: {0}".format(pformat(target_cfg))) try: target = target_initializer(target_cfg, update=update, verbose=verbose, strict=strict) if not isinstance(target, Target): error('expected an instance of Target, instead got: {0}'.format(target)) continue if dry_run: echo_warn(target.describe()) else: target() except Exception, ex: error('could not cleanup target "{0}". Reason:\n{1}'.format(name, ex)) if stop_on_error: break if not verbose: sleep(PROGRESSBAR_ADVANCE_DELAY) # nicer progress bar display for fast executing targets free_space_after = get_disk_usage('/', unit=UNIT_MB).free if not dry_run: echo_info('\ncleanup complete', verbose=verbose) echo_success('\nfreed {0:.3f} MB of disk space'.format(free_space_after - free_space_before), verbose=True, nl=verbose)