Extending cleanmymacΒΆ

cleanmymac can easily be extended with additional cleanup targets. Form complex cases where cleanup is not provided by an external program one can extend the base cleanmymac.target.Target class and register it with the global cleanmymac.constants.TARGET_ENTRY_POINT entry-point. Consider for example (in setup.py) the following case:

    # ....
    'cleanmymac.target': [
        'my_target_name = my.python.package.MyTargetClass'
    # ...

In addition, for directory and shell command based targets simply create the associated YAML files and point cleanmymac to the folder where the files reside with the -t command line option. See more at: Commandline Interface.

For examples of YAML defined cleanup targets have a look at the cleanmymac.builtins module.