Source code for cleanmymac.registry

# author: Cosmin Basca
# Copyright 2015 Cosmin Basca
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from tabulate import tabulate
from yaml import load
from functools import partial
from pkg_resources import iter_entry_points
from cleanmymac.util import yaml_files

from cleanmymac.builtins import BUILTINS_PATH
from cleanmymac.log import debug, error
from cleanmymac.schema import validate_yaml_target
from import Target, YamlShellCommandTarget, YamlDirTarget

__TARGETS__ = {}
__YAML_TYPES__ = {
    TYPE_TARGET_CMD: YamlShellCommandTarget,
    TYPE_TARGET_DIR: YamlDirTarget

[docs]def load_target(yaml_file, config, update=False, verbose=False, strict=True): """ load a target given its description from a **YAML** file. The file is validated according to its type before loading. :param str yaml_file: a valid path to a **YAML** file :param dict config: the global configuration dictionary :param bool update: specify whether to perform update before cleanup :param bool verbose: toggle verbosity :return: the target :rtype: :class:`` """ with open(yaml_file, 'r+') as DESC: try: description = load(DESC) description = validate_yaml_target(description, strict=strict) _type = description['type'] if _type not in VALID_TARGET_TYPES: error('unknown yaml target type: "{0}", valid options are: {1}'.format( _type, VALID_TARGET_TYPES )) return None target_class = __YAML_TYPES__[_type] if not issubclass(target_class, Target): error('expected a subclass of Target for "{0}", instead got: "{1}"'.format( os.path.basename(yaml_file), target_class )) return None if not config: config = {} config['spec'] = description['spec'] return target_class(config, update=update, verbose=verbose) except Exception as e: error('Error loading configuration: "{0}". Reason: {1}'.format(yaml_file, e)) if strict: raise e return None
[docs]def register_target(name, target): """ register a target type to a given target name :param str name: the target name (case sensitive) :param target: the target to register :type target: :class:`` """ global __TARGETS__ if issubclass(target, Target): debug('registering : {0}'.format(name)) __TARGETS__[name] = target else: error('target {0} is not of type Target, instead got: {1}'.format(name, target))
[docs]def register_yaml_targets(path): """ scans and registers all valid **YAML** defined targets in `path`. The name of the **YAML** file (without extension) becomes the target name :param str path: a valid directory """ global __TARGETS__ for name, yaml_file in yaml_files(path): if os.path.basename(yaml_file) == GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILE: continue debug('registering : {0}'.format(name)) __TARGETS__[name] = partial(load_target, yaml_file)
[docs]def get_target(name): """ get a registered target :param str name: the target name :return: the target :rtype: :class:`` """ global __TARGETS__ try: return __TARGETS__[name] except KeyError: error("no target found for: {0}".format(name)) return None
[docs]def iter_targets(): """ generator over all registered targets :return: pairs of (name: target) """ global __TARGETS__ for name, target in __TARGETS__.iteritems(): yield name, target
[docs]def get_targets_as_table(simple=True, fancy=False): headers = ['Name', 'Type'] def row(name, target): data = [name.upper()] t = target(None, update=False, verbose=False, strict=False) data.append(t.__class__.__name__ if simple else t.__class__) return data return tabulate([row(name, target) for name, target in __TARGETS__.iteritems()], headers=headers, tablefmt='fancy_grid' if fancy else 'orgtbl')
# register built in targets # 1 YAML based ones register_yaml_targets(BUILTINS_PATH) # register installed targets (if any) debug("looking for registered cleanup targets...") for ep in iter_entry_points(TARGET_ENTRY_POINT): debug("found: {0}".format(ep)) register_target(, ep.load())