Source code for

# author: Cosmin Basca
# Copyright 2015 Cosmin Basca
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import click
import os
import re
from pprint import pformat
from natsort import natsorted
from threading import Thread, Event
from time import sleep
from sarge import run, shell_format, Capture
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from cleanmymac.log import info, debug, error, warn, echo_info, echo_warn, echo_success
from cleanmymac.util import delete_dir_content, DirList, Dir, delete_dirs

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# the base Target class
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class Target(object): """ the main cleanup Target. This is an abstract class. :param config: a configuration dictionary :type config: dict :param update: perform the update before cleanup if True :type update: bool :param verbose: verbose output if True :type verbose: bool """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, config, update=False, verbose=False): self._config = config if isinstance(config, dict) else {} self._update = update self._verbose = verbose def _debug(self, msg, *arg): debug('[{0}] {1}'.format(, fg='yellow'), msg)) @property def config(self): return self._config @abstractmethod
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """ the update operation :param kwargs: additional arguments :type kwargs: dict """ pass
[docs] def clean(self, **kwargs): """ the cleanup operation :param kwargs: additional arguments :type kwargs: dict """ pass
[docs] def describe(self): """ the description of the combined update and clean operations :return: a string describing the steps to be undertaken :rtype: str """ return ''
@staticmethod def __describe__(kind, message, fg=None): assert kind.lower() in VALID_DESCRIBE_MESSAGES max_len = max(map(len, VALID_DESCRIBE_MESSAGES)) fmt_string = '[ {0: <' + str(max_len+1) + '}] {1}' return, message), fg=fg) def _describe_update(self, message, fg='yellow'): return self.__describe__(DESCRIBE_UPDATE, message, fg=fg) def _describe_clean(self, message, fg='white'): return self.__describe__(DESCRIBE_CLEAN, message, fg=fg) def __call__(self, **kwargs): """ initiate the cleanup (and update if enabled) operations :param kwargs: additional arguments :type kwargs: dict """ if self._update: self._debug('update target') self.update(**kwargs) self._debug('clean target') self.clean(**kwargs)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # the base Shell Target class # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ShellCommandTarget(Target): """ Class encapsulating general logic to execute cleanup operations based on predefined shell commands. This is an abstract class. :param config: a configuration dictionary :type config: dict :param update: perform the update before cleanup if True :type update: bool :param verbose: verbose output if True :type verbose: bool """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, config, update=False, verbose=False): super(ShellCommandTarget, self).__init__(config, update=update, verbose=verbose) self._env = self._config['env'] if 'env' in self._config else {} # prepare path if specified path = os.environ['PATH'] if 'PATH' in self._env: path = '{0}:{1}'.format(os.environ['PATH'], os.path.expanduser(self._env['PATH'])) self._env['PATH'] = path self._debug('target local env: {0}'.format(pformat(self._env))) @abstractproperty def update_commands(self): """ the shell commands executed on **update**. Each command is a string as expected by :func:`` :return: a list of shell commands :rtype: list """ return [] @abstractproperty def clean_commands(self): """ the shell commands executed on **clean**. Each command is a string as expected by :func:`` :return: a list of shell commands :rtype: list """ return [] def _run(self, commands): for cmd in commands: self._debug('run command "{0}"'.format(cmd)) try: with Capture() as err: with Capture() as out: if self._verbose: echo_success('running: {0}'.format(cmd)) command_done = Event() def redirect(): while not command_done.is_set(): try: for line in out: echo_info(line.strip()) except TypeError: pass try: for line in err: warn(line.strip()) except TypeError: pass sleep(0.05) p = run(cmd, stdout=out, stderr=err, env=self._env, async=True) if self._verbose: Thread(target=redirect).start() try: p.wait() finally: # make sure the console redirect thread is properly shutting down command_done.set() except OSError: error('command: "{0}" could not be executed (not found?)'.format(cmd)) @staticmethod def _describe(commands): return map(shell_format, commands)
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): self._run(self.update_commands)
[docs] def clean(self, **kwargs): self._run(self.clean_commands)
[docs] def describe(self): commands_to_run = [] if self._update: commands_to_run += map(self._describe_update, self._describe(self.update_commands)) commands_to_run += map(self._describe_clean, self._describe(self.clean_commands)) return '\n'.join(commands_to_run)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # a Shell Target class that can read it's description from a yaml file # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class YamlShellCommandTarget(ShellCommandTarget): """ Class encapsulating logic to initialize and execute cleanup targets defined in **YAML** files. See predefined builtins in :mod:`cleanmymac.builtins`. :param config: a configuration dictionary :type config: dict :param update: perform the update before cleanup if True :type update: bool :param verbose: verbose output if True :type verbose: bool """ def __init__(self, config, update=False, verbose=False): self._spec = config['spec'] self._debug('spec: {0}'.format(pformat(self._spec))) super(YamlShellCommandTarget, self).__init__(config, update=update, verbose=verbose) @property def update_commands(self): return self._spec['update_commands'] @property def clean_commands(self): return self._spec['clean_commands']
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # a Directory based Target class # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DirTarget(Target): """ Class encapsulating the logic to execute directory based cleanup operations. The main operation consists of identifying and removing all matching directories in a given path with the exception of the most recent version. This is an abstract class. .. warning:: if `pattern` is not specified: all files and folders in `dir` will be removed :param config: a configuration dictionary :type config: dict :param update: perform the update before cleanup if True :type update: bool :param verbose: verbose output if True :type verbose: bool """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, config, update=False, verbose=False): super(DirTarget, self).__init__(config, update=update, verbose=verbose) @property def update_message(self): """ message to be displayed during the update operation :return: the message :rtype: str """ return 'update not supported for "dir" targets'
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): if self._verbose and self.update_message: echo_info(self.update_message)
def _to_remove(self): for entry in self.entries: self._debug('check entry "{0}" to clean'.format(entry['dir'])) _dir = os.path.expanduser(entry['dir']) if 'pattern' in entry: _pattern = entry['pattern'] dirs = [os.path.join(_dir, d) for d in os.listdir(_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(_dir, d)) and re.match(_pattern, d)] dirs = natsorted(dirs, reverse=True) dir_list = DirList(dirs[1:]) self._debug('\tremove multiple directories: {0}'.format(dir_list.dirs)) yield dir_list else: self._debug('\tremove single directory: {0}'.format(_dir)) yield Dir(_dir)
[docs] def clean(self, **kwargs): for entry in self._to_remove(): if isinstance(entry, DirList): if self._verbose: echo_warn('delete folders: {0}'.format(pformat(entry.dirs))) delete_dirs(entry) elif isinstance(entry, Dir): if self._verbose: echo_warn('delete folder contents: {0}'.format(entry.path)) delete_dir_content(entry)
[docs] def describe(self): msgs = [] if self._update and self.update_message: msgs.append(self._describe_update(self.update_message)) nothing_to_remove = True for entry in self._to_remove(): if isinstance(entry, DirList) and entry.dirs: msgs.append(self._describe_clean('delete folders: {0}'.format(pformat(entry.dirs)))) nothing_to_remove = False elif isinstance(entry, Dir): msgs.append(self._describe_clean('delete folder contents: {0}'.format(entry.path))) nothing_to_remove = False if nothing_to_remove: msgs.append(self._describe_clean('There are no folders to delete/clean')) return '\n'.join(msgs)
@abstractproperty def entries(self): """ the list of entries (pairs of path: regex pattern) to scan for cleanup. Keeps latest versions only. :return: a list of entries path:pattern pairs :rtype: list """ return []
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # a Dir Target class that can read it's description from a yaml file # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class YamlDirTarget(DirTarget): """ Class encapsulating the logic to execute directory based cleanup operations. The main operation consists of identifying and removing all matching directories in a given path with the exception of the most recent version. This concrete implementation allows for the specification of entries in a **YAML** configuration file. See predefined builtins in :mod:`cleanmymac.builtins`. :param config: a configuration dictionary :type config: dict :param update: perform the update before cleanup if True :type update: bool :param verbose: verbose output if True :type verbose: bool """ def __init__(self, config, update=False, verbose=False): self._spec = config['spec'] self._debug('spec: {0}'.format(pformat(self._spec))) super(YamlDirTarget, self).__init__(config, update=update, verbose=verbose) @property def entries(self): return self._spec['entries'] @property def update_message(self): return self._spec['update_message'] if 'update_message' in self._spec else ''